(853) 8822 8231
Consultation Hours
Tuesday and Friday 13:00 – 14:00
Wednesday 13:00 – 14:00
Matthew GIBSON
Matthew Gibson joined the University of Macau in 2012 as an Associate Professor of English Literature. After completing his PH.D in 1994, he taught at universities in Poland and Bulgaria for some years before returning to work in Britain at various institutions, including the University of Surrey and the University of Hull, where he worked for the MA in Translation Studies.
He gained his first degree in English Language and Literature at the University of Birmingham in 1989, and was awarded his PH.D by Royal Holloway, University of London in 1994.
Research Interests
Matthew’s main research areas are W.B. Yeats and philosophy, Modernism, the nineteenth-century European Gothic and Fantastic literature, Bulgarian Book History and Literary Theory.
Matthew would be interested in supervising M.A.s/PhDs in the areas of the Gothic literature, Modernism, Romanticism and Literary Theory.
- Gibson, M. (2000) Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage. London: Macmillan Press; New York: St Martin’s Press.
- Gibson, M. (2006) Dracula and the Eastern Question: British and French Vampire Narratives of the Nineteenth Century Near East. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mann, N., M. Gibson and C. Nally (eds.). (2012) W.B. Yeats’s A Vision: Explications and Contexts. Clemson SC: Clemson University Digital Press.
- Gibson, M. (2013) The Fantastic and European Gothic: History, Literature and the French Revolution. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Gibson, M. & P. Tew (eds.). (2013) Radicalising the Critical Space: Critical Engagements.
- Gibson, M. & N. Mann (eds.). (2016) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press.
- Gibson, M. and S.L. Mueller (eds). (2018) Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press].
- Gibson, M. (2023) Mr Stoker and the Vampires of the Lyceum. Market Harborough: The Book Guild. (a novel)
Articles and Book Chapters
- Gibson, M. (1995) ‘What Empty Eyeballs Knew’: Zen Buddhism in Yeats’s ‘The Statues’ and the ‘Principles’ of A Vision. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 11, pp. 141-57.
- Gibson, M. (1998) Satori in Yeats’s ‘Stream and Sun at Glendalough.’ Irish University Review 28(1), pp. 28-36.
- Gibson, M. (1998) Structuralism. In Maria Edelson (ed.) Approaches to Literary Theory. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp. 72-93.
- Gibson, M. (1998) On Derrida and Deconstruction. In Maria Edelson (ed.) Approaches to Literary Theory. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp. 94-105.
- Gibson, M. (1998) W.B. Yeats and the Upanishads. In The Image of India in Literature and Film. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp.61-9.
- Gibson, M. (2001) Yeats and idealism: the philosophy of light. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 14, pp. 284-97.
- Gibson, M. (2002) Yeats, Kant and Giovanni Gentile: the single gyre of time and space. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 15, pp.313-25.
- Gibson, M. (2003) Magical romanticism: Yeats’s absorption of romantic writers into fin-de-siècle Movements. In Maria Joao Pires and Filomena Vasconcelos (Eds.) I Encontro de Estudos Romanticos 21/3/02. Porto: Eduardo & Nogueira, pp. 12-25.
- Gibson, M. (2004) Bram Stoker and the Treaty of Berlin. Gothic Studies 6(2), 236-51.
- Gibson, M. (2006, June 6) Vampires and vampire fiction. Entry for Literary Encyclopedia.
- Gibson, M. (2007) Jane Cranstoun: A possible inspiration for Le Fanu’s Carmilla. Le Fanu Studies. 2:2.
- Gibson, M. (2007) The morning star is the evening star: logical Positivism in Beckett’s Ill Seen, Ill Said. Critical Engagements 1:2, 79-90.
- Gibson, M. (2008) Publishing under the yoke: A short history of the Bulgarian book from Paisy of Hilendar to Peyo Yavorov. In R. Fraser and M. Hammond (Eds.) Books without Borders: the International Dimension in Book History. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 38-54.
- Gibson, M. (2010) Yeats and Classical Philosophy. In D. Holdeman and B. Levitas (eds.), W. B. Yeats in Context.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.276-87.
- Gibson, M. (2010) Dracula and the Eastern Question. In T. J. Garza (ed.) The Vampire in Slavic Culture San Diego: Cognella, 2010, pp. 337-48.
- Gibson, M. (2011) Contradictory images: the Conflicting Influences of Bergson and James on T.E. Hulme, and their Consequences for Imagism. Review of English Studies 62 (254): 275-95.
- Gibson, M. (2012) ‘Timeless and Spaceless’? Yeats’s Search for Models of Interpretation in Post-Enlightenment Philosophy, Contemporary Anthropology and Art History, and the Effect of these Theories on ‘The Completed Symbol,’ ‘The Soul in Judgement’ and ‘The Great Year of the Ancients’ . In N. Mann, M. Gibson and C. Nally (eds.) W. B. Yeats’s A Vision: Explications and Contexts. Clemson University Digital Press, pp.97-135.
- Gibson, M. and P. Tew (2013) Introduction. In Gibson, M. and P. Tew (eds.) Radicality: Critical Engagements 6:1 (A Special Edition). London: Modern and Contemporary Fiction Studies Network. pp. 13-29.
- Gibson, M. (2013) ‘A Surplus of Signification’: the problems of ontology in Derrida’s deconstruction of the Saussurean sign. In M.Gibson and P. Tew (eds.) Radicalising the Critical space. Critical Engagements 6:1.
- Gibson, M. (2013) Baudelaire, Charles. In W.Hughes, D. Punter and A. Smith (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic.2 vols. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, I 61-4.
- Gibson, M. (2013) Nodier, Charles. In W. Hughes, D. Punter and A. Smith (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic. 2 vols .Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, II 473-77.
- Gibson,M. (2016) ‘Mensonge’: The Rejection of Enlightenment in the Unreliable “Souvenirs” of Charles Nodier. Gothic Studies 18:1. Ed. William Hughes. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 34-56.
- Gibson, M. and N. Mann (2016) Introduction. in M. Gibson and N. Mann (Eds.) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press (an imprint of Liverpool University Press), pp. 1-10.
- Gibson, M. (2016) Yeats, Pierre Duhem, and the Great Year. In M.Gibson and N. Mann (Eds.). Yeats, Philosophy and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press, pp. 171-223.
- Gibson, M. (2016) Appendix II: Yeats’s Reading of Leo Frobenius’s The Voice of Africa (1913). In M. Gibson and Neil Mann (eds.) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press, pp. 305-325.
- Gibson, M. (2016) ‘No room for the root-clutch’: Influence and Echoes from T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land in Ezra Pound’s ‘Eighth Canto’ (1922) and its Preliminary, Typescript Drafts. Paideuma 43: 167-189.
- Gibson, M. (2017) Dracula and the East. In R. Luckhurst (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 95-103.
- Gibson, M. (2018) Cities of Destruction: Bunyan’s The Pilgrims’ Progress in the Dystopian Visions of Huxley and Orwell. Extrapolation 59:2: 124-148.
- Gibson, M. (2018) The Impress of the Visual and Scenic Arts on the Fiction of Bram Stoker. In M. Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 51-73.
- Gibson, M. and W. Hughes (Eds.). (2018) Coda: an Unpublished Letter from Bram Stoker to Laurence Hutton. In M Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). (2018). Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 215-217; 253-54.
- Gibson, M. and S.L. Mueller. Preface. In M. Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). (2018) Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 1-5.
- Gibson, M. (2020) Yeats, Noh Theatre, and the Traditions of Asia. In Katrine K. Wong (Ed.). . Eastern and Western Synergies and Imaginations: Texts and Histories. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 186-215.
- Gibson M. (2020) Time and Space in Fantastic Theory and Fiction of Charles Nodier’s Trilby. In David Punter and C. Bruna Mancini (eds.). Space(s) of the Fantastic: a Twenty-First Century Manifesto. London and New York, Routledge. pp. 54-69.
- Gibson, M. (12/1/2022) Bram Stoker. Oxford Bibliographies Online. In Lisa Rodensky (Ed.)“Victorian Literature”, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199799558/obo-9780199799558-0164.xml?rskey=NPF7EN&result=1&q=bram%20stoker#firstMatch (13,500 words).
- Gibson, M. (04/07/2022) The Vampire as Byron: Polidori’s Story Adapted to the French and British Stage. In Brooke Cameron and Lara Karpenko (Eds.) London and New York: Routledge, pp. 154-69.
- Shaw, D.J. and M. Gibson. (2022) Slaying Vampires in Eighteenth-Century Sweden. History of European Ideas (48:6). 744-63.
- Gibson, M. (2022) A Formerly Untraced Comment by “Coleridge” in an Article by Yeats, and its Origin in Coventry Patmore’s Writings, Notes and Queries (69:3) (September), 256-59.
- Gibson, M and D.J. Shaw (2023) ‘The Vampire Hypothesis’: from fingers to ministering angels – the first Swedish debunker, History of European Ideas (49:5) 787-804. https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/S5CDUGSICXCXQIKZMGR2/full?target=10.1080/01916599.2022.2151496.
- Gibson, M. (2023) Coleridge’s ‘Christabel’. In Simon Bacon (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan). pp. 1-16. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-82301-6_99-1.
- Gibson, M. (2023) ‘La Morte amoureuse’. In Simon Bacon (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 1-19. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-82301-6_12-1
- Gibson, M. and T. Hale .(2023) ‘Le Vampire’ (1831): a rediscovered journal of the July Monarchy. In Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural 9: Vampires: Consuming Monsters and Monstrous Consumption, ed. Brooke Cameron, Ian Clark and Suyin Olguin (University of Falmouth: online), 30-58.
- Gibson, M. (Autumn 2023) Trick of the Light. The Covent Gardener Magazine, issue 30. London. 20.
- Shaw D.J. and Gibson M. (2024) Lutherans and Vampires: medicine and faith: an early dissertation on the bloodsucking at Medvedia (1732). History of European Ideas (online: Latest articles), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/01916599.2024.2365140.
- Gibson, M. (1998) Review of Adams, Hazard. (1996) The Book of Yeats’s Vision. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.MLR: Yearbook of English Studies 28, 806-7.
- Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Larrissy, Edward. (1997) (Ed.) W.B. Yeats: a Critical edition of the Major Works. Oxford University Press, and Larrissy, Edward. (1997) W.B. Yeats. “Writers and their Work” Series. Plymouth: Northcote. Irish Studies Review 7(2), 273-75.
- Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Conger, S. M. et al. (1997) Iconoclastic Departures: Mary Shelley After Frankenstein. London: Associated University Presses. MLR: Yearbook of English Studies 30, 323-59.
- Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Boss, Michael & Westarp, Karl-Heinz. (1998) Ireland: towards New Identities. Denmark: Aarhus University Press. Irish Studies Review 7(3), 377-8.
- Gibson, M. (2000) Review of Matthews, Steven. (2000) Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry. London: Macmillan, and Conner, Lester I. (1998) A Yeats Dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats. New York: Syracuse University Press. Irish Studies Review 8 (3), 393-5.
- Gibson, M. (2016). Review of Sheils, Barry. (2015). W. B. Yeats and World Literature: The Subject of Poetry. Farnham and Burlington VT.: Ashgate, 2015. The Review of English Studies, 67: 282, 1918-1020.
- Gibson, M. (2018) Review of Pietrzak, Wit. (2016) The Critical Thought of W. B. Yeats . International Journal of Yeats Studies, 2:2, 65-68.
- Idee w Rosji: Leksykon Rosyjsko-Polsko-Angielski , ed. Andrzej de Lazari, 4 vols (Lodz: Ibidem, 1996 – ). Encyclopaedia of Russian ideas, to which I contributed several Polish to English Translations.
- Anna Akhmatova “ЧЕМ ХУЖЕ ЭТОТ ВЕК ПРЕДШЕСТВУЮЩИХ? РАЗВЕ…1919”, in Victoria S. Harrison (ed.), A History of Evil, volume 5, 1900-1950. General editors, Chad Meister and Charles Taliaferro. (London and New York: Routledge, 2018), 1.