Matthew GIBSON


  • Gibson, M. (2000) Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage. London: Macmillan Press; New York: St Martin’s Press.
  • Gibson, M. (2006) Dracula and the Eastern Question: British and French Vampire Narratives of the Nineteenth Century Near East. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mann, N., M. Gibson and C. Nally (eds.). (2012) W.B. Yeats’s A Vision: Explications and Contexts. Clemson SC: Clemson University Digital Press.
  • Gibson, M. (2013) The Fantastic and European Gothic: History, Literature and the French Revolution. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Gibson, M. & P. Tew (eds.). (2013) Radicalising the Critical Space: Critical Engagements.
  • Gibson, M. & N. Mann (eds.). (2016) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press.
  • Gibson, M. and S.L. Mueller (eds). (2018) Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press].
  • Gibson, M. (2023) Mr Stoker and the Vampires of the Lyceum. Market Harborough: The Book Guild. (a novel)

Articles and Book Chapters

  • Gibson, M. (1995) ‘What Empty Eyeballs Knew’: Zen Buddhism in Yeats’s ‘The Statues’ and the ‘Principles’ of A Vision. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 11, pp. 141-57.
  • Gibson, M. (1998) Satori in Yeats’s ‘Stream and Sun at Glendalough.’ Irish University Review 28(1), pp. 28-36.
  • Gibson, M. (1998) Structuralism. In Maria Edelson (ed.) Approaches to Literary Theory. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp. 72-93.
  • Gibson, M. (1998) On Derrida and Deconstruction. In Maria Edelson (ed.) Approaches to Literary Theory. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp. 94-105.
  • Gibson, M. (1998) W.B. Yeats and the Upanishads. In The Image of India in Literature and Film. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp.61-9.
  • Gibson, M. (2001) Yeats and idealism: the philosophy of light. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 14, pp. 284-97.
  • Gibson, M. (2002) Yeats, Kant and Giovanni Gentile: the single gyre of time and space. In W. Gould (ed.) Yeats Annual 15, pp.313-25.
  • Gibson, M. (2003) Magical romanticism: Yeats’s absorption of romantic writers into fin-de-siècle Movements. In Maria Joao Pires and Filomena Vasconcelos (Eds.) I Encontro de Estudos Romanticos 21/3/02. Porto: Eduardo & Nogueira, pp. 12-25.
  • Gibson, M. (2004) Bram Stoker and the Treaty of Berlin. Gothic Studies 6(2), 236-51.
  • Gibson, M. (2006, June 6) Vampires and vampire fiction. Entry for Literary Encyclopedia.
  • Gibson, M. (2007) Jane Cranstoun: A possible inspiration for Le Fanu’s Carmilla. Le Fanu Studies. 2:2.
  • Gibson, M. (2007) The morning star is the evening star: logical Positivism in Beckett’s Ill Seen, Ill Said. Critical Engagements 1:2, 79-90.
  • Gibson, M. (2008) Publishing under the yoke: A short history of the Bulgarian book from Paisy of Hilendar to Peyo Yavorov. In R. Fraser and M. Hammond (Eds.) Books without Borders: the International Dimension in Book History. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 38-54.
  • Gibson, M. (2010) Yeats and Classical Philosophy. In D. Holdeman and B. Levitas (eds.), W. B. Yeats in Context.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.276-87.
  • Gibson, M. (2010) Dracula and the Eastern Question. In T. J. Garza (ed.) The Vampire in Slavic Culture San Diego: Cognella, 2010, pp. 337-48.
  • Gibson, M. (2011) Contradictory images: the Conflicting Influences of Bergson and James on T.E. Hulme, and their Consequences for Imagism. Review of English Studies 62 (254): 275-95.
  • Gibson, M. (2012) ‘Timeless and Spaceless’? Yeats’s Search for Models of Interpretation in Post-Enlightenment Philosophy, Contemporary Anthropology and Art History, and the Effect of these Theories on ‘The Completed Symbol,’ ‘The Soul in Judgement’ and ‘The Great Year of the Ancients’ . In N. Mann, M. Gibson and C. Nally (eds.) W. B. Yeats’s A Vision: Explications and Contexts. Clemson University Digital Press, pp.97-135.
  • Gibson, M. and P. Tew (2013) Introduction. In Gibson, M. and P. Tew (eds.) Radicality: Critical Engagements 6:1 (A Special Edition). London: Modern and Contemporary Fiction Studies Network. pp. 13-29.
  • Gibson, M. (2013) ‘A Surplus of Signification’: the problems of ontology in Derrida’s deconstruction of the Saussurean sign. In M.Gibson and P. Tew (eds.) Radicalising the Critical space. Critical Engagements 6:1.
  • Gibson, M. (2013) Baudelaire, Charles. In W.Hughes, D. Punter and A. Smith (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic.2 vols. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, I 61-4.
  • Gibson, M. (2013) Nodier, Charles. In W. Hughes, D. Punter and A. Smith (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Gothic. 2 vols .Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, II 473-77.
  • Gibson,M. (2016) ‘Mensonge’: The Rejection of Enlightenment in the Unreliable “Souvenirs” of Charles Nodier. Gothic Studies 18:1. Ed. William Hughes. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 34-56.
  • Gibson, M. and N. Mann (2016) Introduction. in M. Gibson and N. Mann (Eds.) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press (an imprint of Liverpool University Press), pp. 1-10.
  • Gibson, M. (2016) Yeats, Pierre Duhem, and the Great Year. In M.Gibson and N. Mann (Eds.). Yeats, Philosophy and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press, pp. 171-223.
  • Gibson, M. (2016) Appendix II: Yeats’s Reading of Leo Frobenius’s The Voice of Africa (1913). In M. Gibson and Neil Mann (eds.) Yeats, Philosophy, and the Occult. Clemson SC: Clemson University Press, pp. 305-325.
  • Gibson, M. (2016) ‘No room for the root-clutch’: Influence and Echoes from T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land in Ezra Pound’s ‘Eighth Canto’ (1922) and its Preliminary, Typescript Drafts. Paideuma 43: 167-189.
  • Gibson, M. (2017) Dracula and the East. In R. Luckhurst (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Dracula. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 95-103.
  • Gibson, M. (2018) Cities of Destruction: Bunyan’s The Pilgrims’ Progress in the Dystopian Visions of Huxley and Orwell. Extrapolation 59:2: 124-148.
  • Gibson, M. (2018) The Impress of the Visual and Scenic Arts on the Fiction of Bram Stoker. In M. Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 51-73.
  • Gibson, M. and W. Hughes (Eds.). (2018) Coda: an Unpublished Letter from Bram Stoker to Laurence Hutton. In M Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). (2018). Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 215-217; 253-54.
  • Gibson, M. and S.L. Mueller. Preface. In M. Gibson and S.L. Mueller (Eds.). (2018) Bram Stoker and the Late Victorian World. Clemson: Clemson University Press [in association with Liverpool University Press], pp. 1-5.
  • Gibson, M. (2020) Yeats, Noh Theatre, and the Traditions of Asia. In Katrine K. Wong (Ed.). . Eastern and Western Synergies and Imaginations: Texts and Histories. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 186-215.
  • Gibson M. (2020) Time and Space in Fantastic Theory and Fiction of Charles Nodier’s Trilby. In David Punter and C. Bruna Mancini (eds.). Space(s) of the Fantastic: a Twenty-First Century Manifesto. London and New York, Routledge. pp. 54-69.
  • Gibson, M. (12/1/2022) Bram Stoker. Oxford Bibliographies Online. In Lisa Rodensky (Ed.)“Victorian Literature”, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. (13,500 words).
  • Gibson, M. (04/07/2022) The Vampire as Byron: Polidori’s Story Adapted to the French and British Stage. In Brooke Cameron and Lara Karpenko (Eds.) London and New York: Routledge, pp. 154-69.
  • Shaw, D.J. and M. Gibson. (2022) Slaying Vampires in Eighteenth-Century Sweden. History of European Ideas (48:6). 744-63.
  • Gibson, M. (2022) A Formerly Untraced Comment by “Coleridge” in an Article by Yeats, and its Origin in Coventry Patmore’s Writings, Notes and Queries (69:3) (September), 256-59.
  • Gibson, M and D.J. Shaw (2023) ‘The Vampire Hypothesis’: from fingers to ministering angels – the first Swedish debunker, History of European Ideas (49:5) 787-804.
  • Gibson, M. (2023) Coleridge’s ‘Christabel’. In Simon Bacon (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan). pp. 1-16.
  • Gibson, M. (2023) ‘La Morte amoureuse’. In Simon Bacon (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 1-19.
  • Gibson, M. and T. Hale .(2023) ‘Le Vampire’ (1831): a rediscovered journal of the July Monarchy. In Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural 9: Vampires: Consuming Monsters and Monstrous Consumption, ed. Brooke Cameron, Ian Clark and Suyin Olguin (University of Falmouth: online), 30-58.
  • Gibson, M. (Autumn 2023) Trick of the Light. The Covent Gardener Magazine, issue 30. London. 20.
  • Shaw D.J. and Gibson M. (2024) Lutherans and Vampires: medicine and faith: an early dissertation on the bloodsucking at Medvedia (1732). History of European Ideas (online: Latest articles), 1-18.


  • Gibson, M. (1998) Review of Adams, Hazard. (1996) The Book of Yeats’s Vision. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.MLR: Yearbook of English Studies 28, 806-7.
  • Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Larrissy, Edward. (1997) (Ed.) W.B. Yeats: a Critical edition of the Major Works. Oxford University Press, and Larrissy, Edward. (1997) W.B. Yeats. “Writers and their Work” Series. Plymouth: Northcote. Irish Studies Review 7(2), 273-75.
  • Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Conger, S. M. et al. (1997) Iconoclastic Departures: Mary Shelley After Frankenstein. London: Associated University Presses. MLR: Yearbook of English Studies 30, 323-59.
  • Gibson, M. (1999) Review of Boss, Michael & Westarp, Karl-Heinz. (1998) Ireland: towards New Identities. Denmark: Aarhus University Press. Irish Studies Review 7(3), 377-8.
  • Gibson, M. (2000) Review of Matthews, Steven. (2000) Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry. London: Macmillan, and Conner, Lester I. (1998) A Yeats Dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats. New York: Syracuse University Press. Irish Studies Review 8 (3), 393-5.
  • Gibson, M. (2016). Review of Sheils, Barry. (2015). W. B. Yeats and World Literature: The Subject of Poetry. Farnham and Burlington VT.: Ashgate, 2015. The Review of English Studies, 67: 282, 1918-1020.
  • Gibson, M. (2018) Review of Pietrzak, Wit. (2016) The Critical Thought of W. B. Yeats . International Journal of Yeats Studies, 2:2, 65-68.


  • Idee w Rosji: Leksykon Rosyjsko-Polsko-Angielski , ed. Andrzej de Lazari, 4 vols (Lodz: Ibidem, 1996 – ). Encyclopaedia of Russian ideas, to which I contributed several Polish to English Translations.
  • Anna Akhmatova “ЧЕМ ХУЖЕ ЭТОТ ВЕК ПРЕДШЕСТВУЮЩИХ? РАЗВЕ…1919”, in Victoria S. Harrison (ed.), A History of Evil, volume 5, 1900-1950. General editors, Chad Meister and Charles Taliaferro. (London and New York: Routledge, 2018), 1.